Well, here we go...

This little narrative journey comes after  quite a bit of thinking about blogs, archaeology, and the professional repercussions (and benefits!) of diving headlong into new media.  The first question I had, of course is 'why'-- why throw yourself out there? What should you talk about?  And does anyone even listen?  Slowly, I've seen a couple different answers emerge. A lot of my time is spent flicking through other people's interweb offerings -- colleagues, friends, and even organizations are now all  multimedia presences in my life. I've been looking at the excellent Middle Savegery for a while, as well as more targeted single-project blogs and websites like L-P Archaeology's Prescott Street dig site and the Thames Discovery site.  For me personally, the 'blog' format offers a chance for unfinished ideas to live a little,  and a chance for the little projects that crop up from time to get their time in the sun. This blog is for the bits of my archaeological life that need a little bit of air...


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