ah, but what have you done for me lately? a response to the #saa14 #blogarch carnival
...in which your correspondent participates, not for the first time (those were the good ole' days, eh Colleen ?) , in the digital round robin that is a blogging carnival, with the hopes of someday seeing it at the SAAs . Follow along with the carnival through the #blogarch tag or Doug's blog here . November's question: Why blogging? – Why did you, or if it was a group- the group, start a blog? I'm guessing that like many of my blogging compatriots, I started my personal blog for a combination of reasons, starting with interest in a new bright and shiny thing (blogging! whatever next-- hoverboards? Hey, it was a different time), and running the gamut of self-publicising social media instincts, including the desire to join a conversation of peers, the chance to talk loosely and informally about things I was interested in, and the chance to share my devastating wit with the world at large.* The world is a lonely place at the end of a PhD or in the dreaded gap bet...