Q: Uh, you seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Why is that? A: I ran away to a Greek island, got a lot of writing done, worked with an honest-to-god group of superheroes volunteering to help the plight of refugees, spent two months in a basement in Turkey, got a lot of writing done, and, you know, stuff. It's been some time, eh? Not that you would have noticed my absence -- my science rants have found a new home on the Cosmic Shambles Network , where not only can you see me sarking about the future of our species , but there are a ton of other great writers too. I've been doing talks and events too - Cheltenham Science Festival with Adam Rutherford, Pontus Skoglund, and Alice Roberts; Nine Lessons with Robin Ince and his gang of insane scientists, and more to come in 2019! But EVEN MORE EXCITING -- I've got an agent! The amazing Ella Diamond Kahn is now saddled with the task of taking my writing out into the world, and coming back with money, ...